Bash Hotkey貓紙
Somehow ctrl左右箭嘴唔work,而啲hotkey有時用ctrl有時用alt唔記得,網上搵嘅貓紙又好核突…所以
Ctrl-A (口訣: Ahead) 去到頭
Ctrl-E (口訣: End) 去到尾
Alt-B (口訣: Back) 前一個詞
Alt-F (口訣: Forward) 向後一個詞
Ctrl-U (口訣: 諗唔到) 刪除前面所有字
Ctrl-K (口訣: 諗唔到) 刪除後面所有字
Ctrl-W (口訣: Word) 刪前面個詞
Alt-D (口訣: Delete) 刪後面個詞
Ctrl-Y (口訣: Yank) 將刪除嘅嘢貼返出來
Ctrl-X Ctrl-E (口訣: Extend Editor) 開Editor行command
Ctrl-R (口訣: Recall) 往上搜尋之前執行過嘅command line history,可以打幾隻字再重複撳Ctrl-R搵更之前嘅。Ctrl-G出返來 (不過通常我只記得Ctrl-C)
Ctrl-Minus 等同Undo
Ctrl-L 清除螢幕
This is the bash hotkey cheat sheet I have made for myself, after not being satisfied with what I have found on the web. SVG file could be downloaded above.